DAY 52
Dear new ideas,
since I started concentrating on stillness and no longer distracting myself with television or music, new ideas for projects have been pouring into my head from all directions.
Possibilities that I have never seen before.
Projects that I would never have faced.
And I can hear the nascent doubts in my mind.
Because I’m not yet clear about how I should implement these projects in detail.
And not only does my analytical mind get in the way here, but at the same time the impostor syndrome is sprouting up again.
Do I really have the skills and the necessary knowledge to do what Papa wants me to do?
And I have to admit that a few weeks ago I would have filed these ideas in my head in the “I’ll never do that” drawer.
But now that I’ve taken this path, the compass inside me confirms that this is really important.
That these projects are more important than my fear of failure.
That what is to be created here is worth growing beyond my doubts.
By slowing down, which I have already started to do, it will become clear bit by bit what I have to do.
I only have one thing to do for now, to start.
And then the path will appear before me.
So, I call you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, to support me in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for this opportunity, I love you.