DAY 98
Dear love,
even you are all around me I was blind to you so many times.
I rejected you because of the believe deep inside of me that I am not worth it. That I am not a person that earns love.
Because of the fear getting hurt again, like I experienced it a lot of times, I built up a wall in front of my heart to protect me.
But today I know that it didn’t protect me from anything it just took away my ability to feel love in every simple thing in my life.
The love for beautiful roses. The love for every amazing thing in nature. The love for every person that I am connected with.
The love for Papa and the love for the universe and all its secrets.
Thanks for this process I am going through I learn to let go of these walls. And finally, I can embrace all this love that is actually every single second around me.
And more and more I start to understand that I earn all of this as much as every other person, animal or creature deserves it.
A love so pure, far away from drama, jealousy, possessive thoughts, and abuse.
And I know that I can help to spread it into this black magic world by giving it to anyone I have contact with, no matter if it’s a stranger or a person that is really closed to me.
And even if someone may be a little surprised because of my open-heartedness and that I show my feelings and blessings so generous, I know that I don’t have to be afraid of it.
Because love will always be.
Because love is love, you just have to let it be.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.