DAY 70
Dear tailwind,
despite great doubts, I followed the guidance and took the risks that lay on my path and now I’m getting so much tailwind that it’s almost unbelievable.
Difficulties that lay ahead of me on the way disappear as if by magic and suddenly I get support from people who didn’t even know I existed before.
It always amazes me what possibilities open up when you are prepared to trust.
To simply go with the flow and let it happen, regardless of whether others think it’s right or not.
Just trusting the process and trusting Papa to know what the right path is and the right people on that way.
I even received support in the form of a few clear words from someone who I would never have expected to help me. And the way these words reached me at exactly the right time, when I needed them most.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.