DAY 60
Dear getting easier,
very slowly, I can feel that this addictive energy that made me believe that I wanted something so badly that it almost drove me crazy is weakening inside me.
It’s still there, but it’s getting easier to keep it under control every single day.
And what my mind desires so much, the energy it sees in what it wants, will never go away.
And yet it’s easier for me to see this thing now and it no longer feels so unreal that it creates a sense of lack in me.
I’m even starting to accept that I may never get it, but that it was only there to start this whole process I’m going through.
Through my daily practice of focusing on stillness, letting my surroundings be what they are, accepting that and stopping my constant thought processes, I no longer feel exposed to every single emotion.
I have become calmer and more relaxed; I no longer try to control everything and accept what is. I no longer feel bad when I just sit outside, enjoy the moment and do nothing.
The magic of the present, no past, no worries about the future.
What is is just right as it is, what was can no longer be changed and what will be has no meaning yet.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in every single second in my life.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for this opportunity, I love you.