DAY 46
Dear surrender,
I know that in order to be what I am meant to be, I must give myself to you.
But I think I’m in a real emotional low right now.
I have no drive, the doubts inside me are very loud at the moment and I’m constantly tired.
And I’m fully aware that this is just a low phase of my journey, that the next high won’t be long in coming.
And yet I still feel a bit lost at the moment.
I have left my usual path and I am now feeling the effects and the tricks with which my mind and my emotions are trying to get me back on my usual way.
And right now, is the best time to surrender to this process and let go of my usual control.
I take my hands off the wheel and trust to what will guide me through this chaos within me.
The reminder that I am not my mind and my feelings.
The reminder of my wonderful soul that is just waiting for me to awaken.
And although I still feel sad and heavy, I will do just that.
I will surrender.
I can’t help it, because I don’t want to go back to the path I left behind.
So, I call you my guides and all the light beings around me to support me to just let go of control.
From now on, I will surrender to what is meant to be, no matter how much I fear and feel insecure.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your help.
Thank you, Papa, for this opportunity, I love you.