DAY 28
Dear love language,
I’ve always been someone who had to touch everything.
As if I could only understand the true meaning of something when I could physically feel it.
And whenever there was a sign somewhere saying that you weren’t allowed to touch something, I was sad.
I never understood that until today, but now I know that my mission in this life is to discover the world through touch.
And that this is not only the way I perceive the world, but also my way of expressing my feelings.
If I only see dogs, cats or other animals, I feel the urgent need to stroke them and show them my affection. And although I have even been attacked by a dog or felt the claws of a cat thousands of times, that has never stopped me from stroking the next wonderful creature.
And I will never forget that incredible feeling when I had the unique opportunity to stroke a living fox.
Basically, every surface magically attracts me.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stood on a wall and felt the texture of the plaster, wallpaper or bare stone with my hands and it gave me a good feeling.
How often I go for a walk somewhere and stop at trees and touch the leaves with fascination. Everywhere I’ve been in my life, I’ve picked up stones from the ground and the ones that felt really good to me I’ve kept to this day.
This is definitely my way of appreciating all the wonderful things Papa has created in this world.
But for many years of my life, I didn’t dare to do exactly that because I was told so often that I shouldn’t always take everything into my own hands.
And to this day, I’ve never understood why it hurt me so much when someone told me not to touch them.
Today I realize that this is my way of showing my love for someone.
Making someone else feel good with my hands and transferring my energy to them is like an inner need for me.
And although more than one man has told me that he can’t understand why he can feel my touch more than with another woman before, I only now understand why.
Because that is exactly my way of bringing love into this world.
Because it is my mission to make other people feel unconditional love.
And that is why I will no longer hide from now on, but use precisely this ability.
Of course, I respect if someone doesn’t want to do that. I know that I will be too much for some people and they will feel that I am overwhelming them with everything I can give.
But if you are ready for unconditional love, then I am ready to show you what a simple touch can do.
And in order to fulfill this mission in my life, I have to delete all the unconscious thoughts in my system that are holding me back.
So, I call you my guides and all the light beings around me to help me erase these thoughts.
I am going to take the big golden scissors now and cut the lines to hiding, unused skills and the fear of being allowed to be who I really am.
All that is left now is the knowledge that I can bring unconditional love in this world, that is so much needed.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your help to free me to fulfill my mission.
Thank you, Papa, for this opportunity, I love you.