DAY 24
Dear impatience,
since I was a child, you have been my burden.
Because everyone, whether it was my grandparents or my parents, constantly pressured me to do everything as quickly as possible.
And so, it was normal for me that everything always had to happen immediately, because otherwise I had to fear the consequences.
When I grew up and had to experience for myself that I couldn’t always get everything I wanted straight away, that certain things simply took time, I couldn’t deal with it properly.
My unconscious reaction to this was anger.
After all, I had always done everything I could to give others everything immediately and I should have to wait for everything.
It took me a long time to understand this and work on it.
Especially when I discovered my connection to Papa and slowly began to trust him. I felt really lost at the beginning when I had to let go and couldn’t control whether what I really wanted really came into my life.
Today I know that the things we want so much are not always the things that are good for us and our lives.
And even today, I still have to work on learning patience bit by bit.
Patience and trust that exactly what I want and what serves my path will come into my life.
I feel that there is still a strong bond with you, dear impatience, within me.
So, I call you my guides and all the light beings around me to help me cut this bond.
I am going to take the big golden scissors now and cut the lines to the belief that everything must always happen immediately.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for the help to erase these thoughts that have taken away my lightness.
From this moment on I trust you Papa, that you know what is best for me and that you will bring it into my life at the right time.
Thank you, Papa, for this opportunity, I love you.