DAY 129
Dear world,
you are constantly changing.
You never stay still no matter what happens.
And even if it sometimes feels like we don’t have any effect of what you doing to us it’s different.
Because every human being is connected with you, although most of us can not feel that.
And it become more and more clear, that a great change is coming.
I can see it in the rising violence among this planet.
I can feel the storms getting stronger every time.
I can experience it in the constant weather changing and the lots of thunders that become more and more every year.
And it is not that we are simply at its mercy, because we are a part of it.
Our decision to choose the light or the unlight in our life effects this world.
And even I can see that more and more people eventually awake from the grip of the unlight.
And because it is feeling that it fights much stronger for its surviving.
Because if you are of the side of the unlight you are a slave.
A slave of the bad forces that make all the suffering in this world.
But the world turns to the light and the love in it.
That’s why the unlight is trying to get its power back.
It is a dying path for them and they know it, that is the reason why they try to reach out their power.
But as a matter of fact, they will lose in the end, because this world already chooses the love instead of fear and hate.
It just needs a little more time to convince the sleeping souls about it.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.