DAY 118
Dear rebellion,
oh dear God, how is my mind trying to fight to get back control over me.
After I let go the thing that it wants so desperate, my thought carousel gone crazy about it.
Again and again my mind is trying to convince me, that I have to do so many things to get that, what it wants.
Future visions how beautiful my life could be with it.
Thoughts of fears and doubts about how bad my life would be in the future without that thing.
But I am done with that, because now I clearly know that this is the next challenge I have to get through.
I have made the conscious decision to let the thing be what it is and not constantly think about it anymore.
Because there are so many other things I could think about, so many other things I can concentrate and work on.
This is my fucking life you sneaky mind.
This is the real me.
This is what I am meant to be.
This is my real own truth.
This is my power.
This is what I come for.
This is what I were chosen for.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.