DAY 106
Dear forgiveness,
hating someone is so easy.
We burry all these negative memories inside of us and then we stick for years to them.
And every time when a simple spark of letting go appears in our thoughts our mind starts a rebellion against it, because of all these bad things this person has done to us.
But what our mind is not telling us, is that all these bad emotions that comes with these memories stuck in our systems and make it impossible to overcome this past now matter how much we would love to live a better life.
And this is where the forgiveness has its place.
No one says that forgiving something means that you start to think what the person has done was right.
Forgiveness is also nothing you do for this person or someone else.
Forgiving means that you finally let all of these bad emotions go that is eating you up inside.
Because if you manage to understand that and letting go, then you are able to reach so much more in your life than you ever expected.
Never forget, that you choose this life.
Never forget, that you choose to have these experiences.
Never forget, that you wanted to know if you are able to overcome these bad memories.
Forgiveness and letting go is your way to a better life with inner peace.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.