Hello, my name is Astendana Laskish and I was born on 18.07.1982 in a small town in federal state Thuringia in Germany.
Even as a child, it was clear that I was not like ‘normal’ people. I was a loner and often lived in my own fantasy world. After being bullied at school for being different, I withdrew completely into my shell.
And yet I struggled through my school years, graduated from high school and later successfully completed my vocational training. And just as I had learned in my environment, I also became an employee who dutifully went about her work day after day and was only happy about her freedom at the weekends.
At the age of 25, I finally broke out of this pattern for the first time when I dared to live and work in Turkey for two years. Eventually, however, I had to admit to myself that this life was not for me and so I returned to my hometown.
I started working in an office again, but increasingly I couldn’t shake the feeling that this wasn’t my destiny. And through several fateful events, I finally began to write my first novel at the age of 30 and discovered painting for myself.
And step by step, I got to know more and more people who showed me that my life didn’t have to be the way I had learned it in my environment and from my family. Years went by in which I discovered a lot about spirituality, the laws of the universe and my connection to divine unconditional love.
And today I know that my mission in this life is to show other people that everyone has their own truth within them.
My stories and pictures should encourage you to think about the things that are sold to you every single day as fact and truth. You yourself have a compass within you that can reveal your own truth to you. And the power of this truth can enable you to live a life of happiness, freedom and love.