DAY 95
Dear now,
existing in the present moment, concentrating on the stillness and let everything be what it is feels so incredible liberating.
I always searched for happiness and joy, I never had imagined to find it by just using my senses without any thought interrupting it.
If I think about how many methods and healings I tried to reach this point but I know, that it was necessary to go through all of it to finally embrace the essence.
So simple but also so challenging, because you can’t go there and then you stay like this until the end of your days.
You have to choose in every single second to stay in this presence.
You have to learn not to focus on any outcome, not to focus on reaching a special point, not to focus on a specific future you want to have.
All that matters is the now, all that matters is to embrace everything, to not judge it in any kind, to not give it a name and not let it overwhelming you.
All that you experiencing is a challenge to handle to stay in the present moment, because your mind don’t want you to go there.
But only if you manage to do so you feel what is really meant for you, what you are meant to be.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.