DAY 132
Dear power,
for a long time, I felt like a ball that other people played with.
And I thought that it has to be this way, that I don’t have a choice and only have to do what others told me to do.
It took me a long learning period to finally find the power inside of me, to remember that I am the creator of my life.
And when I stood up for myself for the first time I had to deal with a lot of headwinds.
Because no one was expecting me to fight.
And I have to admit that it really felt uncomfortable to me and I wanted to go back into my old self.
But on the other hand, it felt great to make my own decisions and decided what I wanted to do.
So over time I learned to use my power to stand for my opinions.
And that was the way how I discovered to become more and more self-confident.
It was a rough and stony way, but it was worth it.
And a lot of people disappeared along this way in my life, because they couldn’t handle the fact that I didn’t want to be there play ball anymore.
But I know that this is how it was meant to be to discover so many beautiful things in my life and I am grateful that it happened.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.