DAY 108
Dear balance,
all my life I had the feeling, that there are so many things against me, because my perspective was those of a pessimist.
I always saw the negative.
I was stuck in it and it felt so familiar to me, that I didn’t know how to escape that.
It took me a long way and a hand full of mentors to finally understand that I only just looked to one side of the formula.
Now I know that I have the ability to choose,
that I have the ability to change my perspective
and that I have the possibility to decide where my focus goes.
Free will is everything that counts in this.
The free will to decide how I define my own balance.
The free will to decide what my own truth is.
The free will that I can choose which side I look more, love or fear.
The free will that I can decide if I trust or not.
The free will to finally be what I meant to be.
The free will to choose my soul instead of my mind created ego.
Thank you, my guides and all the light beings, around me, for your support in this process.
Thank you, Papa, for your unconditional love and for these opportunities, I love you.